Saturday, October 10, 2009


For nearly ten years I suffered through depression, beginning in my pre-teens, at times sinking down to a place of desperation and suicidal thoughts. During this period I began writing a fictional account, though based deeply in these feelings.

I collected these “pieces” of my life and created a novella, mixed with poetry and prose, expressing my personal feelings of anxiety and confusion in my life. It is my hope that it can help those suffering from depression find peace, and help those with friends or family suffering understand the emotional toll this takes on a person’s heart, mind, and soul.

If you know someone who might want to speak to me directly about their suffering or the suffering of someone they know, please feel free to give them my blog information. And please consider asking your local library to order a copy of my book: “An owl on the moon: A journal from the edge of darkness.”

Thank you for being a light in this world… Craig